Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New postings for World Literature 2012:

Happy New Year!!

This daily log should keep the class posted with notes from class events and conversations. See old posts for 2011 thoughts and conversations.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beryl Yang/ Ethomusicologist, Peking Opera and music

Beryl presented us with a beautiful look at the music, storylines and characters in the Peking Opera. Her expertise and love of this stylized form of Chinese entertainment was impressive. This is a great example of how you must do what your heart loves because your happiness is related to loving what you are doing everyday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Russian Triad

Breanna and Adrienne led the class in reading and discussing Chekov's "The Lady and the Dog". It was a intriguing story after the visit of Igor from Russia. We also looked at 2 poems by Pushkin.
The discussion revealed life and relationships in Russia, 100 years ago. The sentiments are the same but the outcome may be different today.

Today, divorce is not ostracized and seen as a negative aspect in life. Life goes on after a divorce.

Upcoming, Federico Garcia Lorca, the greatest poet from Spain, then the magical realists of Latin America.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Russian Partner visits

Igor, from Russia is a scholar in literature. He is Kyleigh's partner and was amazed at the depth that she got involved in her interchange. He says that the Russians adore Pushkin and praised the ecclectic reading (his favorite), Master Margarita, a satan is the main character and the plot intriguing. He was impressed with the class and says that American is number one because of its openness in education. "Their focus on learning and questioning all makes America the best"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Koran/ by Sami

Sami presented a video on Mecca.

Links to different passages on Women.

Finished with a video on a woman that changed from Muslim to Christianity.

Next: Bhagavad gita

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Indonesia: Emiyanti Tuesday/ April 5

Erni taught us about Indonesia: Power Point, song and question and answer session.
Check blog for questions:

She is awesome and a Muslim from a small island in Indonesia.

*We took a video of her visit and will post the video after we edit.