Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday/March 28th

First day back from Spring Break.

1. The Lake of Death: Mahabharata

2. Last class: Hell center, Satan 9th Circle. Satan is in ice (cold, no warmth or heart. . . a cold world. The traitors are here. Satan has in his 3 heads, Brutus, Cassius and J, who betrayed Jesus.

3. Next paper, I Believe. 2 authors or men from World Literature in dialogue and you finish with "I believe". . . . .

4. Websites, up to date? Work on sites, put up recent paper #2.

5. Next song contest, Bible, Koran and Gita.

6. We will spend a day writing haikus for Japan and sending it enmass.

7. Tomorrow work on the song, and the next day you are on.

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