Monday, March 7, 2011

Notes for Tuesday, March 8th, B day

Post notes here for class under comments:

Circle 5: Wrathful and the Sullen
Circle 7: Violent

1 comment:

  1. Czech partners: Looking for volunteers, no papers.


    The blind king foresees the danger of what the Pandavas have promised, so he talks the Kauravas into giving back all the Pandavas back their possessions. They agree but challenge the Pandava brothers to play one last game of dice, with the loser being exiled for thirteen years. Yudhisthira loses and the Pandavas are exiled into the forest for thirteen years. While walking out of the city, Bhima promises to kill all the Kaurava brothers, and that he will rip out Dushasana's heart and drink his blood. Arjuna scatters sand on the on the ground, symbolic of the arrows that will "scatter" and rain down on the city when they return. Draupadi cries with her hair covering her face, which is symbolic of how the women of the city will be in thirteen years, when the Pandavas return and their husbands die in the war. In the forest, the Pandavas begin training for war.

    The Wrathful & the Sullen:

    - When Dante travels down to the fifth circle of hell he sees people striking and biting each other in the river. These are the wrathful who are placed in the muddy river of Styx.
    -the wrathful are angry at others
    - fitting punishment because they are finally taking out thier anger
    - they are angry at those who have caused them pain-> consumed with themselves
    - they focus too much on themselves and fail to fully worship God
    -instead of being angry at everything they could be worshiping God
    -underneath the wrathful are the sullen who lay and drown at the bottom of the muddy lake
    - fitting punishment because it symbolizes how they were on earth, always wallowing in their own grief
    -the sullen turn their anger into misery and sadness
    - they sulk and are consumed in their own grief
    - like the wrathful they only focus on themselves and fail to worship God
    -although they do not hurt anyone the wrathful and the sullen only think of themselves-> fail to worship God-> Dante sees that as a sin
    -Dante is less forgiving and sympathetic in these scene-> Virgil is pleased

    Violence to Others:
    Minotaur guards the passage to circle seven
    Centaurs (half man half horse) shoot arrows into a boiling river of blood
    People who were violent against others (murderers) are left to boil in the blood
    -blood represents the outcome of their violence
    -Alexander the Great and Atilla the Hun reside here
    Centaurs shoot arrows at the souls that try to escape
    -Chiron (head centaur) becomes Dante's guide
    -Virgil asks Chiron to guide them
    -symbolizes that in the lower levels of hell Virgil is less powerful
